Sunday, January 31, 2010

Psyllium Fiber What's The Weight Loss Benefit Of Psyllium Fiber?

What's the weight loss benefit of psyllium fiber? - psyllium fiber

I've heard that fiber is good for weight loss - is it true? And I did not say who or what to keep in mind, I mean, it acts as a laxative, or what? to help digest food and get faster and make you lose weight? as, Metamucil is not good for a natural laxative? thanx


Natalie said...

The only one fiber - which is also from sources that are better, such as fruits and vegetables

Gia L said...

Try this product is to be really good. Also appeared on CBS 60 minutes!

Vladimir Putin said...

It is a fiber that cleans the real You Out "

And it is the main ingredient in Metamucil.

To lose weight, at least for the first few days while you clean.

Dennis M said...

Forget about the benefits of weight loss is the cleansing of the colon and keep healthy by removing all the garbage they bring into your system

Dennis M said...

Forget about the benefits of weight loss is the cleansing of the colon and keep healthy by removing all the garbage they bring into your system

Tara662 said...

To lose weight: No.

"Regular" Yes, but not all the time.

Metamucil (psyllium fiber) is not so great and you have gas.

There are other natural sources of fiber are, the less dangerous than Metamucil. What fruits and vegetables, and Benefiber.

Jason C said...

I used the same question as you ask why I read this article to a friend: ...

If this article is not the answer to your question, try this site: ...

Carole D said...

Fiber adds bulk to your diet, and you can you feel satisfied longer. The fiber is not a laxative, but can you help regularly

3.141592... said...

Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body can not digest. It passes through our digestive tract, without nutrition or calories, and yet he is very healthy for us.

Fiber helps to prevent our regular bowel movements and that certain illnesses. Carcinogens enter into the intestines and move into our points faster than usual, reducing the risk of colon cancer. The fibers also contribute to the transport of cholesterol in our bodies, reduce the risk of heart disease.

But people, the larger quantities of foods rich in dietary fibers are healthier in general. While all the reasons it is not known, it can be because of the high-fiber foods are healthier. Perhaps the greatest value of the fiber, however, help us to keep slim.

Fiber, we feel full faster and stay longer in the stomach than other substances we eat, reducing our rate of digestion and keeping us feeling full longer. Given their high fiber, one serving two servings of whole grain bread can be filled white BREad. Fiber also moves fat through our digestive system faster so that less is absorbed.

Meat and dairy products contain dietary fiber and refined grains have removed most of their fiber. To increase your fiber intake, eat more whole, natural foods and fewer processed foods. Some good examples of foods that are rich in fiber include:

Legumes (lentils, beans and peas)
Other vegetables
Brown rice
Whole grains (wheat, oats, barley)

Products labeled "whole wheat" are whole grain if the grain remains intact, such as oats or ground, to breads, pasta or cereal. Cracked wheat is the entire kernel, but are not misled by a phrase such as "100% wheat" or "multi-grain." Do be fooled by the color, either. Most of the wheat bread is almost identical to white bread, except that the caramel color was added to make it look more natural.

Refined grains like rice and used for the manufacture of white bread and breakfast cereals with sugarI had pulled most of its fiber and nutrients. They turn into blood sugar (glucose) so fast that, like sugar itself can cause an increase in our level of insulin. This shows that our bodies are much more readily available energy store and it should stop burning fats or start.

However, the main concern with the tip of the insulin is not to say, our body begins to store fat. What will we eat and not to burn the fat to the time anyway.

The biggest concern is that the peak of insulin by a decrease in insulin levels, which follows us tired and hungry and the desire to eat more leaves. The unfortunate outcome of this scenario is that makes us want to eat something with high sugar content. If we do this, we begin the cycle again. Foods rich in fiber which helps the our level of sugar in the blood at a level more in line.

Adding more fiber to your diet is likely to help you lose weight and improve your health, but little by little. Can cause the rapid increase in fiber intake gas and cause diarrhea.

And remember to drink plenty of fluids when adding fiber to your diet. While the fiber is normally helpful to your digestive system without adequate fluid intake can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate them.

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