Saturday, February 13, 2010

Is It Ok To Drink Alcohol With Sulfamethoxazole-tmp Antibiotics Ok To Drink Alcohol While Taking Chantix?

Ok to drink alcohol while taking Chantix? - is it ok to drink alcohol with sulfamethoxazole-tmp antibiotics

Ok, so I took Chantix for a week and a half. I'm on 1 mg in the morning and 1 mg in the evening - it makes me very badly. Percocet I am also a wound in a car accident. I'm not a drinker - I drink maybe once a month or more. I have a field day of each game this weekend and the days, I wonder if it's true that I drink alcohol? Who knows?


natpract... said...

You should not drink Percocet. If you while taking Chantix may increase side effects are unpleasant to drink and make you more drowsy and Dizzie usually obtained from the amount of alcohol you drink.

tenaciou... said...

You can take Chantix with alcohol, but not Percocet. While you are taking or drinking, you can sick and nauseous.

yellow eyes said...

You should drink no alcohol, drugs. ask your doctor.

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