Have notarized custody agreement but can my boyfriends ex take him to court and take his son away if mad? - does a rental agreement need to be notarized
My friend and his exgirlfriend ercently signed an agreement on how many days and how much money and insurance for him. signed, signed by a judge must also. Also, I thought, now have custody of your child, and what I see at least three times a week, if your ex-offend, they can give the court and take your child? If the attorney does not mean anything in court? Have you taken to court, and if we have a good chance because he is a firefighter has rented a car and a house and have a car and a job that pays well too. His exgirlfriend no work, no money, as it has from the drill, and no vehicle and lives with his parents ...?
Worried ....
If signed and notarized by the judge, I would say it is a solid legal base to be documented. It really is everything they do when they send a couple separates before the family court mediation. If both parents agree on the placement, care and custody in mediation, which never go to trial. Court is expensive and the government has to exert every effort to take the help of parents to mediation will resolve custody and placement / / Add amicably. You want to save you money. Even his very best for children, not subjecting everyone drama.I BS do not think you have nothing to fear. The judges of the Family Court against the old BS every day and make the difference between the parents who care and parents who do not. It appears that your friend has done all his ducks in a row and remain just. You should better to be good. It is not always bring you back to court so angry or not, the hate you ****. way.Judges you see it as a waste of time and money. We just do not always pitch control in the family, as in non-nuclear families. This happens all the time to step to the families better get used to it. Trust me, I am a stepmother and exploitation of children to freak! sometimes.My ex-husband is mentally ill and treated girls like ****, that makes it worse. You screwed up pretty bad, but for the kidnapping, abduction, and abuse of girls in a year that it will never fill more time. They see their mother every other weekend.So least thankful that you do not have go through that.Don not worry. "Seriously, if you look at the court that everything that has been that the judge has done the cooperation of parents can not, and besides, has nothing to offer for the child. Good luck. God Bless
We can only ask for full custody, without a visit to his father if he is perceived by the court, things could live with the child injury or a dangerous environment for the child, or I do "involvement in criminal activity affecting the protection of children.
And the situation has nothing to do with you, I'm not smart here, and not just parents of children girlfriend dad. The law has nothing to say. between the father of the child and his ex-girlfriend, but as a judge signed and entered into an escrow agreement and that really has no way of caring for children, I think it's better with his father. I think the court will see it in their favor. I wish you good luck
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